Board of Directors Positions

The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership, Board, and of the Executive Committee.  President shall appoint standing committees, as well as special committees which they may deem essential and shall designate the personnel of those committees with the approval of the Executive Committee.  The President is an ex-officio member of all committees. This is a two-year term.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President or during their absence or inability to serve, the duties and powers shall devolve upon the President-Elect who automatically assumes the role of President after their term is completed. The President-elect is required to attend all Board and Executive Committee meetings. This is a two-year term.

The Secretary will review the minutes of all Board meetings, assist the President in running the organization, and act as the Membership Committee chair. This is a two-year term.

The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Association and shall hold them in the name of the Association in such manner as the Executive Committee shall direct.  They will review finances on a regular basis and prepare the budget to the board for approval each year. This is a two-year term.

The Secretary-Elect is responsible for attending all Board and Executive Committee meetings and automatically assumes the role of Secretary after their term is complete. This a two-year term.

The Treasurer-Elect is responsible for attending all Board and Executive Committee meetings and automatically assumes the role of Treasurer after their term is complete. This a two-year term.

Nine members of the Executive Committee, Councilors, shall be elected for a three (3) year term. Their responsibilities include attending Board meetings, serving on committees, and generally helping to promote and support ACP. 

Two (2) candidate members shall be elected every three (3) years and shall serve a three (3) year term as Candidate Councilors. The Candidate Councilors are responsible for attending board meetings, being the voice of candidates to the board and within the organization, planning the Candidate Event at Annual Meetings, and chairing the Candidate Committee. 

Address: 254 Kent Rd, Wynnewood, PA 19096
Phone Number: (856) 600-5673

The Margaret S. Mahler Child Development Foundation is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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